Mental Health

Mental health, a topic was a taboo for many years, and is now openly discussed. At Darshan Academy Pune, a workshop and special assembly on the topic was conducted by the students of Peace House. The students spoke about the importance of a healthy mind and body and how conflicts must be resolved amicably. They spoke of the importance of creating a home atmosphere that is happy and healthy and how well-planned activities can make every day stress-free. We can make our environment healthier and more conducive to learning through exemplary behavior and conduct. A beautiful dance drama depicted by Peace House students drove the message home to all present. Mrs. Harsha Gupta, an eminent psychologist, was invited for a talk at the school to make students aware of the topic. She also discussed how students must behave with their peers, elders and parents.

" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."