Principal's Message

Ms. Renuka Kaushik

“We may not be able to prepare the future for our children, but we can at least prepare our children for the future as peacemakers of tomorrow.”

Franklin D Roosevelt

It is indeed a privilege to be a part of a school with such a great vision for the future, and even a greater privilege to be a parent in such a beautiful scenario.

An honest and wholehearted physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual investment in bringing up a child has its greatest reward as love. The honour and pride of being a parent and a grandparent is experienced if this investment is nurtured well.

The formative years of a child are crucial for their individual development.  A child’s mind is like soft clay, and whatever drops on it makes an impression. It is our duty to ensure that this impression creates a positive response in him or her. The personality of the child is formed in this time frame.

At Darshan Academy we create an environment conducive to a child’s positive growth. We strive to develop each student’s full potential, helping them blossom into confident and responsible young people. The focal point of our teaching methodology lies in experiential learning, delivered through an excellent, well-rounded educational programme.

Cooperation between home and school is essential in supporting and promoting the best interests of the child. We offer an outstanding educational experience that grows stronger with a close communication and partnership between the school and home.

Renuka Kaushik
