Training for Darshan Academy Model United Nations (DA MUN)

The Darshan Academy at Pune believes in exposing and giving its students the best  opportunities to realise their full potential and develop well-rounded personalities. In a training session for DA MUN, the YUVA MUN president, Mr. Dheye Wardhia, was invited from Mumbai to have a one-to-one session with the students.  What are the different committees? What is a position paper? What are moderated and unmoderated caucuses and how to be a great listener to be able to ask relevant and intriguing questions is what this preliminary session exposed the students to. This is the very first session, and more will follow for an intra-school DAMUN before we embark upon the inter-school mega event at DA Pune in 2024.

" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."