Maths Project Exhibition

Darshan Academy, Pune organized a maths exhibition on December 18, 2021, at the school’s auditorium for Kg to Grade X students. Putting together captivating models, charts and games, students demonstrated the notion that mathematics renders an effective tool for shaping mental discipline and motivating logical reasoning and mental accuracy. Multifaceted models like squares, cubes, identities and a clinometer were intriguingly created by secondary class students. It was also interesting to view the 3-D models of shapes and congruent and similar objects made by pre-primary and primary grades, showcasing the interconnection of different subjects with mathematics. Mentors of other departments took a keen interest in aiding children with their exhibits.  All the participants felt galvanized and enthusiastic after the admiration of the principal, Mrs. Rangoli Saxena. It was an exhibition that provided a platform for students to present their innovative ideas in an aesthetic and creative way.

" You cannot change your future, but, you can change your habits, and surely your habits will change your future."